Arctic Leadership


The aim of the project is to develop a leaderhip method in close collaboration with experienced and skilled leaders and cultural persons in Greenland, Northern Norway and elsewhere in the Arctic. We call it Arctic Leadership. An approach that is based on their leadership narratives and the Arctic culture and nature. An approach that is intuitive, practice-oriented and that can create a common language about leadership and strengthen the Arctic identity

Our method

Ownership, co-creation and implementation are key concepts in this project. We want to inspire young people and future leaders to create positive social and sustainable change in the Arctic and in society in general. Therefore, we are working with methods that support these goals.

The project applies the research-based and ethical change-management method True StorytellingTM and its 7 Principles, which are based on indigenous storytelling traditions. The method ensures a focused development of the new leadership method that the participants of the network develop together. It will be the network participants who, through their stories and experiences, help to create Arctic Leadership.


Project leaders

Jens Larsen.

True Storytelling Institute.

Jens is a social entrepreneur, author, storyteller researcher and executive coach working with companies and organi­zations on leadership, the UN goals and sustainability. He is cofounder of the True Storytelling method.

Eva Ritter, PhD.

Institute Nordic Perspectives.

Eva is a speaker, freelance researcher, trainer and advisor for sustainability in education and leadership. She was honoured by the German UNESCO Commission for her work in transformative education.

Stearing group

Bjørn Tegner Bay.

Chief of Police, Greenland Police.

Inge Olsvig Brandt.

Mindful Sila, Greenland.

Maria Øien, PhD.

Senior Curator, Alta Museum, World Heritage Rock Art Centre, Norway.

Prof. Jan-Erik Henriksen.

Social work and Indigenous Knowledge, UiT The Arctic University of Norway.