Here, you can find books and other literature published by our network, or literature that we consider worth being read when you are interested in the role of nature relationship in mental health, community and sustainable development. Please note that not all resources are available in English.
Nature's leadership
Arctic and Nordic storytelling about nature, sustainability, and mental health. A manual with exercises.
by Eva Ritter and Jens Larsen
Available as e-book in Danish an in a German edition with selected translations in Greenlandic. Translations in other languages are planned.
With this book, we present an approach to sustainability based on the interactions between human beings and nature. Our ambition is to create reflection and change that can contribute to sustainable development.
You can read personal stories that we have collected as part of the project Nordic Nature Narratives in Northern Norway, West Greenland, and Southern Jutland. They describe humans’ relationship with nature in the Arctic and the Nordic region. In these stories, nature becomes a guide, collaborator, inspirer, and leader for the individual. Hence the book’s title “Nature’s Leadership”, which refers to the fact that nature can guide us on our way.
We have developed a storytelling method with exercises based on the stories contained within our book. At the end of each chapter, you will find a series of reflective questions. The goal of these questions is to shed light on experiences in nature that can strengthen well-being, joy of life and an awareness of how we can contribute to sustainable development. The exercises can be used individually, in your organization, or at meetings where sustainable development and well-being is on the agenda.
The book is written for you who wants to integrate nature more into your life and/or who wants to create sustainable changes in your own life, in your family, your organization or educational institution, but also in the society and world you are a part of.